Webinar: Can Enterprises Conserve the Cotton Top Tamarin and Improve Human Development in Colombia?
The cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) is a critically endangered primate species found only in the tropical dry forests of northern Colombia. Webinar posted in Combating Wildlife Trafficking.
https://www.biodiversitylinks.org/learning-evidence/combating-wildlife-trafficking/resources/cwt-webinars/webinar-can-enterprises-conserve-the-cotton-top-tamarin-and-improve-human-development-in-colombia/@@download/image/Can community enterprises conserve the Titi Monkey and improve human development in Colombia_.pptx.png
Webinar: Can Enterprises Conserve the Cotton Top Tamarin and Improve Human Development in Colombia?
The cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) is a critically endangered primate species found only in the tropical dry forests of northern Colombia. Webinar posted in Combating Wildlife Trafficking.
One of the ways that Fundación Proyecto Tití works to conserve cotton-tops and their habitat is by providing training to neighboring communities to develop skills for sustainable livelihoods such as eco-mochilas (hand-crocheted tote bags made from recycled plastic bags) and plush toys. In this webinar, Rosamira Guillen of Proyecto Tití and Dr. Amielle DeWan from Impact by Design, two co-authors of the 2021 paper, “Can creating sustainable livelihoods with communities impact cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) conservation in Colombia?” shared their findings on the links between community enterprises and conservation attitudes with the Conservation Enterprises and Combating Wildlife Trafficking Learning Groups.