Results Chains
The result chains are organized by six strategic approaches:
- Strengthening Decentralized Co-management
- Strengthening the Policy Framework
- Strengthening Organizational Capacity
- Strengthening Conservation Enterprises
- Building Constituencies
- Improving Science and Information Capacities
following the DEescription of Results Chains, with maybe an Image, and the 6 Sections you have Six Boxes
SEE: What Result Chains could look like
- Strengthening Decentralized Co-management
- Strengthening the Policy Framework
- Strengthening Organizational Capacity
- Strengthening Conservation Enterprises
- Building Constituencies
- Improving Science and Information Capacities
Philippines Fish Right: Enhancing Participation and Leadership Results Chain (2020)
USAID Philippines Fish Right results chain for the strategic approach: Enhance participation and leadership of resource users and stakeholders for coastal and marine biodiversity.
Papua New Guinea Lukautim Graun: Women are Supported and Incentivized Results Chain
Papua New Guinea Lukautim Graun results chain for the strategic approach: Women are supported and incentivized to take an active role in sustainable mangrove management.
Madagascar Mikajy: Supporting Community-Based Livelihoods and Enterprises Results Chain (2020)
USAID Madagascar Mikajy results chain for the strategic approach: Support community-based, conservation-friendly enterprises and livelihoods.
Papua New Guinea Lukautim Graun: Support to Customary Owners and Rekindling Customary Stewardship Results Chain
Papua New Guinea Lukautim Graun results chain for the strategic approaches: 1) Strengthen support to customary owners for fisheries management and marine conservation and 2) Rekindling customary stewardship (intergenerational reimagining of tradition and science).
Madagascar Mikajy: Strengthening Capacities Results Chain (2019)
USAID Madagascar Mikajy results chain for the strategic approach: Strengthen community capacity and civil society organization, private sector, and government capacity to advocate for and engage on improved community-based land and natural resource management.
Madagascar Mikajy: Strengthening Capacities Results Chain (2020)
USAID Madagascar Mikajy results chain for the strategic approach: Strengthen the capacity of the territorial defense structure in targeted landscapes to advocate for and engage in improved community-based land and natural resource management.
Philippines Fish Right: Enhancing Partnerships and Research Results Chain (2020)
USAID Philippines Fish Right results chain for the strategic approach: Enhance partnerships and research and development for coastal and marine biodiversity and resilient ecosystem-based fisheries management.
Madagascar Hay Tao: Improving Data and Information Results Chain (2020)
USAID Madagascar Hay Tao results chain for the strategic approach: Improve and make available data and information for evidence-based decision-making.
Madagascar Mikajy: Operationalize Community-Based Land and Resource Tenure Policy Results Chain
Madagascar Mikajy results chain for the strategic approach: Operationalize community-based land and resource tenure policy for land- and seascapes.
Philippines Fish Right: Increasing Management Effectiveness Results Chain 2020
USAID Philippines Fish Right results chain for the strategic approach: Increase management effectiveness of fisheries and coastal resources based on stakeholder agreement.
Philippines Fish Right: Strengthening Institutional Capacity Results Chain (2020)
USAID Philippines Fish Right results chain for the strategic approach: Strengthen institutional capacity and accountability to implement resilient ecosystem-based fisheries management.
Madagascar Hay Tao: Strengthening Public Sector Institutions in Policy Making Results Chain
Madagascar Hay Tao results chain for the strategic approach: Strengthen public sector institutions in policy making and enforcement of land, coastal, and marine tenure rights and natural resource management.
Philippines Fish Right: Improve the Policy Environment Results Chain (2020)
Philippines Fish Right results chain for the strategic approach: Improve the policy environment that enables a participatory and equitable governance system for resilient and ecosystem-based fisheries management.
Papua New Guinea Lukautim Graun: Ridge to Reef Planning and Implementation Results Chain
Papua New Guinea Lukautim Graun activity results chain for the strategic approach: Ridge to reef planning and implementation.
Indonesia SEA: Creating Demand Results Chain
USAID Indonesia Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (SEA) results chain for the strategic approach: Create demand using awareness raising and advocacy.
Malawi REFRESH: Building Constituencies Results Chain
USAID Malawi Restoring Fisheries for Sustainable Livelihoods in Lake Malawi (REFRESH) results chain for the strategic approach: Build constituencies for effective, accountable, transparent ecosystem-based fisheries management.
Ghana SFMP: Creating Constituencies Results Chain
USAID Ghana Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP) results chain for the intermediate result: creating constituencies and stakeholders.
Philippines Fish Right: Enhancing Participation and Leadership Results Chain (2019)
USAID Philippines Fish Right results chain for the strategic approach: Enhance participation and leadership of resource users and stakeholders for coastal and marine biodiversity.
Senegal FBL: Reinforcing Constituent Demand and Engagement Results Chain
USAID Senegal Fisheries, Biodiversity, and Livelihoods (FBL) results chain for the strategic approach: Reinforce demand and engagement of constituents for more durable, responsible, and equitable fisheries management (en français: Renforcer la demande et l'engagement des constituants pour une gestion de la pêche plus durable, responsable et équitable).
Central America and Mexico RCBP: Enhancing Education and Scientific Capacity Results Chain
USAID Central America and Mexico Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project (RCBP) results chain for the strategic approach: Enhance education and scientific capacity.