A One Health Glossary to Support Communication and Information Exchange Between Human Health, Animal Health and Food Safety Sectors
Collaboration across sectors, disciplines and countries is a key concept to achieve the overarching One Health (OH) objective for better human, animal and environmental health. Differences in terminology and interpretation of terms are still a significant hurdle for cross-sectoral information exchange and collaboration within the area of OH including One Health Surveillance (OHS). The development of the here described glossary is a collaborative effort of three projects funded within the One Health European Joint Programme (OHEJP).
A One Health Glossary to Support Communication and Information Exchange Between Human Health, Animal Health and Food Safety Sectors
Tasja Buschhardt
Taras Günther
Taran Skjerdal
Mia Torpdahl
Jorn Gethmann
Maria-Eleni Filippitzi
Catharina Maassen
Solveig Jore
Johanne Ellis-Iversen
Matthias Filter
The OHEJP Glossary Team
Publication Date: 2021
Collaboration across sectors, disciplines and countries is a key concept to achieve the overarching One Health (OH) objective for better human, animal and environmental health. Differences in terminology and interpretation of terms are still a significant hurdle for cross-sectoral information exchange and collaboration within the area of OH including One Health Surveillance (OHS). The development of the here described glossary is a collaborative effort of three projects funded within the One Health European Joint Programme (OHEJP).