Forest concessions in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala: A decade later
Radachowsky, Jeremy
Ramos, Victor
McNab, Roan
Baur, Erick H.
Kazakov, Nikolay
Forest concessions in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala: A decade later
Well researched article that looks carefully at community forest concessions - a couple of which have succeeded, a couple of which have failed and a number somewhere in between. Pulls out a series of lessons learned. Cites and agrees with five conditions for success: devolution of authority, technical and institutional capacity, economic viability and distribution, reconciliation between local and global interests, and resilience of ecological process and social institutions.
Jon Anderson
Forest Ecology and management
- Journal article
- Latin America and Caribbean - Central America
- Forest
- Other (Write In)
- Built capacity and invested in human resources - [Relevant]
- Promoted local land use planning and appropriate resource tenure systems - [Relevant]
- Assured that resource managers have access to NRM means and benefits - [Relevant]
- Promoted or developed economic strategies for natural resource management - [Relevant]
- Proportional equivalence between benefits and costs - [Relevant]
- Strengthened markets and NRM market incentives - [Relevant]
- Economic/income generation - [Yes]
- Governance/empowerment - [Yes]
- Economic/income generation - [Yes]
- Governance/empowerment - [Yes]
- Lessons learned (Cautionary Tale)
- Governance - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]
- Economic - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]