Payments for Ecosystem Services: Getting Started in Marine and Coastal Ecosystems - A Primer

Forest Trends , The Katoomba Group

Payments for Ecosystem Services: Getting Started in Marine and Coastal Ecosystems - A Primer

A how-to manual compiled by Forest Trends and the Katoomba Group used for explaining to communities and NGOs what payments for ecosystem services (PES) are and how PES deals work in the marine/coastal environment. The primer is divided into 3 sections, the first reviews basic PES concepts, the second section details a step-by-step approach to developing marine PES deals, and the third section outlines opportunities, risks and ideal conditions for poverty reduction. It has been used in Mexico and Vietnam.

Michael Colby
Forest Trends/Katoomba Group
  • Tool/methodology (e.g. legal analysis, value chain analysis, participatory methods, rapid assessment)
  • Global
USAID, Norway
  • Wetlands
  • Biodiversity
  • Mangroves
  • Coral Reefs
  • Fisheries
  • Whole Seascape
  • Sea grasses
  • Coastal Zone
  • Wildlife
  • Blue Carbon
  • Biodiversity
  • Storm Protection
  • Other (Write In)
Fish nursaries
  • Fostered innovation, social learning, and adaptive management - [Relevant]
  • Improved information and knowledge management systems - [Relevant]
  • Built capacity and invested in human resources - [Relevant]
  • Promoted local land use planning and appropriate resource tenure systems - [Relevant]
  • Promoted cost effective technical advisory and intermediary services - [Relevant]
  • Promoted or developed economic strategies for natural resource management - [Relevant]
  • Created a framework for better NRM choices - [Relevant]
  • Strengthened markets and NRM market incentives - [Relevant]
  • Proportional equivalence between benefits and costs - [Relevant]
  • Invested in local organizations - [Relevant]
  • Assured that resource managers have access to NRM means and benefits - [Relevant]
  • Continuous and inclusive consultations - [Relevant]n
  • Procedural rights for all people, especially vulnerable or marginalized groups - [Relevant]
  • Natural resource authority and functions distribution - [Relevant]
  • Local stakeholder input into public decisions and policy - [Relevant]
  • Land use planning
  • Devolution to communities
  • Participatory Planning
  • Payments for ecosystem services
  • Governance/empowerment - [Communal]
  • Environmental/productivity - [Communal]
  • Economic/income generation - [Communal]
  • Governance - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]
  • Economic - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]
  • Resources - [External or structural policies that influenced success or failure]
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