Towards understanding household-level forest reliance in Cambodia – study sites, methods, and preliminary findings.

Ra, K. , Pichdara, L. , Dararath, Y. , Jiao, X , Smith-Hall, C.

Towards understanding household-level forest reliance in Cambodia – study sites, methods, and preliminary findings.

Work supported by the Poverty Environment Network (PEN) which covers a large number of sites in 26 countries across the tropics. This report presents contextual details, methodological information and preliminary findings for the PEN sites in Cambodia. Data was collected as part of the PEN sub-project “Tropical forest for poverty alleviation - from household data to global analysis” undertaken in collaboration between the Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning (S&L) at the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen (KU); the Forests and Livelihood Programme at the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG); the Department de Sociologies at the University of Ouagadougou (DSUO) in Burkina Faso; and the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI).

GF Taylor
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