CITANDUY RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT; CITANDUY UPPER WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROJECT; FEASIBILITY REPORT CITANDUY RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT; CITANDUY UPPER WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROJECT; FEASIBILITY REPORT Bibliographic type name Other USAID Supported Study/Document Resource URL Abstract Institution or USAID Bureau Author Ancilary Data This maps to the Ancilary Data field in the DEC APPENDICES: PN-AAJ-310 Publication Date (Year only) Enter the four digit year in which the resource was published. For example: 2006 1980 Publication Date string Storage of any fuzzy text dates, for example the 'Date of Publication Freeforrm' from DEC 1980 Source USAID DEC Source UID Item source UID (internal to CMS) PN-AAJ-309 Notes Source UID Contents There are currently no items in this folder.