
Environment, Biodiversity, Water, and Tropical Forest Conservation, Protection, and Management in Panama: Assessment and Recommendations

Environment, Biodiversity, Water, and Tropical Forest Conservation, Protection, and Management in Panama: Assessment and Recommendations

Author(s): Tracey Parker,Julieta Carrión,Rafael Samudio

Location: Panama


LAC - 118/119 Report - Panama BIODIVERSITY AND TROPICAL FORESTRY ASSESSMENT OF THE USAID/PANAMA PROGRAM The current report aims to assess: 􀂃 The current status of tropical forests and biodiversity in Panama. 􀂃 The major threats to tropical forests and biodiversity in Panama. 􀂃 How USAID/Panama activities and investments are likely to contribute to or adversely affect tropical forestry and biodiversity conservation. 􀂃 How opportunities for program synergy among the strategic objectives can contribute to tropical forests conservation and biodiversity. 􀂃 Other issues and opportunities for USAID assistance that match the mission’s overall strategy. BIOFOR IQC No. LAG-I-00-99-00014-00, Task Order #824 Prepared in 2004.

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