Decisions for the Earth: Balance, Voice and Power
This is the "World Resources 2002-2004 Report Summary" [Carol Rosen, Editor-in-Chief], produced by UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, and WRI, and published by WRI. The report examines questions about how we make environmental decisions and who makes them—the process we call environmental governance. The Report explore how citizens, government managers, and business owners can foster better environmental decisions— decisions that meet the needs of both ecosystems and people with equity and balance. WRI has distributed this report through its website at {}
Decisions for the Earth: Balance, Voice and Power
This is the "World Resources 2002-2004 Report Summary" [Carol Rosen, Editor-in-Chief], produced by UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, and WRI, and published by WRI. The report examines questions about how we make environmental decisions and who makes them—the process we call environmental governance. The Report explore how citizens, government managers, and business owners can foster better environmental decisions— decisions that meet the needs of both ecosystems and people with equity and balance. WRI has distributed this report through its website at {}