Working with Community-Based Conservation with a Gender Focus
This is a 1999 Guide to "Working with Community-Based Conservation with a Gender Focus" by Mary Hill Rojas (DAI) and distributed by the USAID Office of Women in Development (WID). The WIDTECH Project, funded by the Office of Women in Development (G/WID) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), provides technical assistance and training on gender issues to USAID bureaus and missions. In spring 1998, at the request of Eric Fajer of USAID’s Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Bureau, the author, a WIDTECH environment specialist, served as a member of the Parks in Peril (PIP) Project evaluation team. The rest of the team consisted of Laurence Hausman, team leader, institutional relationships and strengthening; Allen Putney, management of protected areas; and Lorenzo Rosenzweig, conservation finance. The team reviewed the progress under the Parks in Peril Project, a cooperative agreement between The Nature Conservancy and USAID. As part of the evaluation, the team visited seven protected areas in Mexico (La Encrucijada, El Ocote, and Sian Ka’an), Ecuador (Machalilla), Peru (Bahuaja Sonene), Costa Rica (Talamanca), and Guatemala (Sierra de Las Minas). This guide uses examples from the site visits and builds on the results of the evaluation to suggest ways that PIP project personnel can easily, efficiently, and equitably integrate gender in their work. The Guide is organized and presented a seven 'step' as follow: (Step ONE) develop a rationale for paying attention to gender; (Step TWO) deonstruct terms to understand gener roles and relations; (Step THREE) highting women as well as men as PIP participants; (Step FOUR) build on women's individual and group experiences; (Step FIVE) remove barriers to participation; and (Step SIX) work across sectors. A project funded by the Office of Women in Development, Bureau for Global Programs, Field Support and Research, U.S. Agency for International Development under contract number FAO-0100-C-00-6005-00 with Development Alternatives, Inc. July 1999
Working with Community-Based Conservation with a Gender Focus
Mary Hill Rojas (DAI) and distributed by the USAID Office of Women in Development (WID)
Publication Date: 2005
This is a 1999 Guide to "Working with Community-Based Conservation with a Gender Focus" by Mary Hill Rojas (DAI) and distributed by the USAID Office of Women in Development (WID). The WIDTECH Project, funded by the Office of Women in Development (G/WID) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), provides technical assistance and training on gender issues to USAID bureaus and missions. In spring 1998, at the request of Eric Fajer of USAID’s Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Bureau, the author, a WIDTECH environment specialist, served as a member of the Parks in Peril (PIP) Project evaluation team. The rest of the team consisted of Laurence Hausman, team leader, institutional relationships and strengthening; Allen Putney, management of protected areas; and Lorenzo Rosenzweig, conservation finance. The team reviewed the progress under the Parks in Peril Project, a cooperative agreement between The Nature Conservancy and USAID. As part of the evaluation, the team visited seven protected areas in Mexico (La Encrucijada, El Ocote, and Sian Ka’an), Ecuador (Machalilla), Peru (Bahuaja Sonene), Costa Rica (Talamanca), and Guatemala (Sierra de Las Minas). This guide uses examples from the site visits and builds on the results of the evaluation to suggest ways that PIP project personnel can easily, efficiently, and equitably integrate gender in their work. The Guide is organized and presented a seven 'step' as follow: (Step ONE) develop a rationale for paying attention to gender; (Step TWO) deonstruct terms to understand gener roles and relations; (Step THREE) highting women as well as men as PIP participants; (Step FOUR) build on women's individual and group experiences; (Step FIVE) remove barriers to participation; and (Step SIX) work across sectors. A project funded by the Office of Women in Development, Bureau for Global Programs, Field Support and Research, U.S. Agency for International Development under contract number FAO-0100-C-00-6005-00 with Development Alternatives, Inc. July 1999