
Ecotourism Development A Manual for Conservation Planners and Managers, Volume 1 An Introduction to Ecotourism Planning

Ecotourism Development A Manual for Conservation Planners and Managers, Volume 1 An Introduction to Ecotourism Planning

Author(s): Rose Hessmiller


By Andy Drumm and Alan Moore © 2002 The Nature Conservancy (TNC) This manual focuses on providing a set of criteria to ecotourism planners and managers at conservation non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to facilitate decisions with respect to ecotourism management and development. It includes an introduction to the critical elements of ecotourism management planning, including zoning, visitor impact monitoring, visitor site design and management, income generation mechanisms, infrastructure and visitor guidelines, and naturalist guide systems. It also outlines the business planning process for promoting viable business partnerships with communities or private tourism

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