
Project analysis for the Forestry Development Project

Project analysis for the Forestry Development Project

Author(s): Topical Research and Development, Inc.

Publication Date: 1987


KEYWORD: Community-based Natural Forest Management, Asia. Asia, Nepal, community forestry, farm forestry, afforestation, plantation, reforestation, extension, institutional strengthening, policy, research, training, communication, community participation, education, evaluation, planning document. SUMMARY: This paper is an analysis of USAID's proposed contribution towards the Forestry Development Project (FDP) in Nepal. The primary objectives of the FDP were to formulate a comprehensive national policy for development of community forestry; to formulate a framework for effective community and private participation in afforestation and forest management; and to strengthen the capability of the Forest Department (FOD) at the national, regional and district levels. Cost of the proposed inputs was estimated at 4.34 million US$ over a 7-year project period. After a review of the current situation related to forestry in Nepal, and other ongoing and proposed donor assistance, the authors conclude that USAID can best address Nepal's needs by focusing their assistance on the following needs: Increase and improve the capabilities of the Nepalese Ministry of Forestry and Soil Conservation's (MFSC) Planning Division, improve its procedures and communication systems, and to make it more responsive to the needs of resource managers in the field; Strengthen capabilities of the Forest Survey and Research Office in the FOD by providing field staff and community (panchayat) leaders with aerial photos, maps and data to expedite transfer of forest lands to panchayats and initiate integrated management of those lands; Increase the capabilities of MFSC to provide training needed by FOD staff, panchayat leaders and farmers to implement community forestry programs. This could be achieved by employing Nepali consultant services and developing joint programs with existing organizations such as Tribhuvan University.

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