Policy dialog on natural forest regeneration and community management: Summary of workshop proceedings
KEYWORD: Community-based Natural Forest Management, Asia. Asia, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, community forestry, financing, governance, institutional collaboration, research, training, communication, community participation, education, lessons learned, workshop. SUMMARY: Land satellite data has shown that hundreds of thousands of hectares of previously degraded forests in Asia are regenerating under community forest management. In some areas, such as eastern India, grassroots movements have formed which have led to the acquisition and beneficial management of millions of hectares of land by communities. Throughout Asia, communities manage the forest for cultural, hydrological or production purposes. Consensus has grown in support of the idea that guidance in resource management should be solicited from local groups and that more land should be handed over communities. Unstable political conditions also provide justification for delegating forest management to local communities, as central governments may not be able to handle these duties. Evidence suggests that local groups are not only capable of management, but are demanding this role. To facilitate the process of forming alliances with local communities and turning over responsibility to them, governments need to focus on the needs of local populations rather than on capital investments in plantation reforestation projects and magic bullet technologies. Members of the workshop felt that development of partnerships between the government and local groups created win-win situations. Recommendations for improvement of donor effectiveness include: Consistency in funding priorities; Flexibility and two-way discussions between donors and implementing agencies; Transfer skills to local project agents by foreign consultants; Projects need clear phase-out or exit strategies; More support should be given to forestry research and educational institutions; Financial support should be channeled to local communities rather than government agencies; Improve coordination among funders.
Policy dialog on natural forest regeneration and community management: Summary of workshop proceedings
Mark Poffenberger,
Betsy McGean
Publication Date: 1994
KEYWORD: Community-based Natural Forest Management, Asia. Asia, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, community forestry, financing, governance, institutional collaboration, research, training, communication, community participation, education, lessons learned, workshop. SUMMARY: Land satellite data has shown that hundreds of thousands of hectares of previously degraded forests in Asia are regenerating under community forest management. In some areas, such as eastern India, grassroots movements have formed which have led to the acquisition and beneficial management of millions of hectares of land by communities. Throughout Asia, communities manage the forest for cultural, hydrological or production purposes. Consensus has grown in support of the idea that guidance in resource management should be solicited from local groups and that more land should be handed over communities. Unstable political conditions also provide justification for delegating forest management to local communities, as central governments may not be able to handle these duties. Evidence suggests that local groups are not only capable of management, but are demanding this role. To facilitate the process of forming alliances with local communities and turning over responsibility to them, governments need to focus on the needs of local populations rather than on capital investments in plantation reforestation projects and magic bullet technologies. Members of the workshop felt that development of partnerships between the government and local groups created win-win situations. Recommendations for improvement of donor effectiveness include: Consistency in funding priorities; Flexibility and two-way discussions between donors and implementing agencies; Transfer skills to local project agents by foreign consultants; Projects need clear phase-out or exit strategies; More support should be given to forestry research and educational institutions; Financial support should be channeled to local communities rather than government agencies; Improve coordination among funders.