Forestry and the environment: Pakistan case study
KEYWORD: Community-based Natural Forest Management, Asia. Asia, Pakistan, appropriate technology, farm forestry, fuelwood, market pressures, afforestation, reforestation, institutional strengthening, land tenure, policy, training, education, evaluation. SUMMARY: This USAID evaluation considers the Forestry Planning and Development Project (FP&D) model of environmental management in Pakistan. The project's primary goal was to help Pakistan increase its indigenous energy supplies and achieve energy self-sufficiency. USAID provided a $27.5 million grant (1983-1994) to the FP&D project.The Pakistan FP&D farm forestry model used profit to drive its activities and spread its impact through a partnership between the government and independent farmers. The project introduced basic, low-cost technologies with quick and visible pay-offs to engage participants, while generating environmental benefits. USAID strategies that contributed to farm forestry program performance included: (1) institutional strengthening, (2) education and awareness, (3) appropriate technologies, and (4) policy reform. Lessons learned in implementation of the FP&D project included the following: Market forces can drive individual and institutional participation in a farm forestry program; Flexible project design permits program managers to respond effectively to new conditions and opportunities;Encouraging tree planting on private land is effective when it capitalizes on pre-existing conditions of land and tree tenure security; Farm forestry sells best when participants are given access to low-cost technologies with reasonable pay-back periods; Farm forestry programs benefit from separating their policy and operational components.
Forestry and the environment: Pakistan case study
Phillip Church,
Fred Sowers,
Krishna Kumar,
Bruce Kernan
Publication Date: 1993
KEYWORD: Community-based Natural Forest Management, Asia. Asia, Pakistan, appropriate technology, farm forestry, fuelwood, market pressures, afforestation, reforestation, institutional strengthening, land tenure, policy, training, education, evaluation. SUMMARY: This USAID evaluation considers the Forestry Planning and Development Project (FP&D) model of environmental management in Pakistan. The project's primary goal was to help Pakistan increase its indigenous energy supplies and achieve energy self-sufficiency. USAID provided a $27.5 million grant (1983-1994) to the FP&D project.The Pakistan FP&D farm forestry model used profit to drive its activities and spread its impact through a partnership between the government and independent farmers. The project introduced basic, low-cost technologies with quick and visible pay-offs to engage participants, while generating environmental benefits. USAID strategies that contributed to farm forestry program performance included: (1) institutional strengthening, (2) education and awareness, (3) appropriate technologies, and (4) policy reform. Lessons learned in implementation of the FP&D project included the following: Market forces can drive individual and institutional participation in a farm forestry program; Flexible project design permits program managers to respond effectively to new conditions and opportunities;Encouraging tree planting on private land is effective when it capitalizes on pre-existing conditions of land and tree tenure security; Farm forestry sells best when participants are given access to low-cost technologies with reasonable pay-back periods; Farm forestry programs benefit from separating their policy and operational components.