Managing Natural Resources for Peace-building in Post-Conflict Societies Webinar

Managing Natural Resources for Peace-building in Post-Conflict Societies from FRAMEweb on Vimeo.


Managing Natural Resources for Peace-building in Post-Conflict Societies from FRAMEweb on Vimeo.


Carl Bruch is a Senior Attorney and Co-Director of International Programs at the Environmental Law Institute (ELI). He has helped countries and organizations across Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe develop and strengthen their environmental laws, improve institutions, and build capacity. He has worked on a range of issues related to natural resources and conflict. He is currently coordinating a global initiative with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the University of Tokyo, and McGill University to examine experiences in managing natural resources to support post-conflict peacebuilding. This initiative is generating 6 edited books with 150 case studies by 225 authors in 50 countries (Earthscan 2012-2013), and an overarching synthesis volume published by Cambridge University Press (2013). In this webinar, he set the stage speaking about peace-building priorities and how natural resources can be managed to create a suitable context for development on multiple levels and support the post-conflict transition.

Chris Huggins specializes in the political economy of land tenure, natural resources rights, and agricultural reform and has consulted with many major United Nations agencies, bilateral donor agencies and international and local non-governmental organizations. He presented case studies from the Great Lakes Region of Africa that demonstrate lessons learned around post-conflict natural resource management.

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