
Conservation is Development

Conservation is Development

Author(s): BRIDGE

Publication Date: 2020

Location: Global


This resource provides an overview of programming examples, tools and approaches, and evidence that support cross-sectoral collaboration to achieve shared development goals. It was developed by the Biodiversity Results and Integrated Development Gains Enhanced (BRIDGE) project, a five-year contract (2015-2020) to advance the second goal of USAID’s Biodiversity Policy, to “integrate biodiversity as an essential component of human development.” BRIDGE collaborates with USAID’s Office of Forestry and Biodiversity, Missions, and regional and technical bureaus to explore the evidence base, identify entry points in the Program Cycle, and share learning on integrating biodiversity conservation with other development outcomes.


By promoting development that benefits both people and nature, biodiversity conservation activities strengthen the capacity of countries to manage their natural resources, increase resilience, and deliver development results across sectors, for example:

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