FCMC Assists in Natural Resource Governance Framework Planning Meetings

FCMC Assists in Natural Resource Governance Framework Planning Meetings
From May 15-16, 2013 Dr. Janis Alcorn, FCMC´s Deputy Director for Social and Environmental Science, participated in Natural Resource Governance Framework (NRGF) planning meetings at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) headquarters in Gland, Switzerland.

The main goal of the NRGF is to provide an independent method to determine the strengths and weaknesses of natural resource decision-making and implementation. The framework will help inform better and fairer decisions, underpinning the sustainable management of natural resources and improving existing governance arrangements.

A key FCMC Social and Environmental Soundness (SES) priority for REDD+ programming is to ensure effective engagement of stakeholders and their ability to contribute to good governance in resource management. The NRGF includes the development of, and training in, improved stakeholder tools for assessing and improving natural resources governance—essential for the success of REDD+ and other climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Dr. Alcorn is chairing the NRGF working group that contributes expert technical perspectives from outside IUCN to the IUCN Secretariat. Over the two days of meetings, she presented the broad conceptual framework and proposed roadmap developed by the working group, and contributed to the design discussions. IUCN secretariat participants discussed the NRGF niche and its relationship to the new IUCN Red List for Ecosystems, as well as IUCN regional forest governance activities and knowledge products, and the possible contributions from the Environmental Law team.

While in Gland, Dr. Alcorn also discussed REDD+ benefit sharing work and shared FCMC publications with George Akwah Neba, REDD+ Programme Officer in IUCN´s Global Forest and Climate Change Programme (as shown in the photo). Benefit sharing is recognized as a challenge for maintaining long-term REDD+ success. IUCN is tracking experiments with different forms of benefit sharing, and these experiments and their outcomes will contribute to the new benefit sharing study currently being defined by FCMC's SES and Finance teams. For more information about NRGF, please click here.

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