FCMC Participates in Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ Workshop
The goal of the workshop, which attracted close to 50 participants, was to “facilitate cross learning between JNR initiatives and actors” by sharing key challenges and lessons learned from jurisdictions currently implementing JNR. Robert was rapporteur for one of the breakout groups on implementation and presented the background and overview of VCS JNR requirements on baselines, monitoring and leakage.
FCMC collected important input on a number of specific areas within JNR where further guidance is needed. This data will be incorporated into a forthcoming guidance document on JNR being developed by FCMC. According to Robert, it was encouraging to see the wide number of countries and states that are actively considering using JNR. The three day workshop was held in Manaus, Brazil, and hosted by the Institute for Conservation and Sustainable Development of Amazonas (IDESAM), the Verified Carbon Standard Association (VCSA) and the State Center on Climate Change of Amazonas (CECLIMA). For more information about the workshop in Manaus, click here.