FCMC-supported work on Peru nested REDD+ safeguards moves forward

FCMC-supported work on Peru nested REDD+ safeguards moves forward
From July 2014 to September 2014, work with FCMC's nested REDD+ safeguards project in Peru has continued to move forward. The nested REDD+ safeguards project is helping to build capacity and understanding of safeguards at the regional and national level in Peru.

The most recent work includes two workshops designed for lessons learned to be exchanged and experiences on safeguards issues shared at both national and subnational levels; three workshops in San Martin, which were part of the overall strategy in the San Martin region to support dissemination and capacity building on Climate Change, REDD+ and safeguards; and a presentation of the Capacity Building Modules.

FCMC has been supporting work on REDD+ safeguards in Peru through its core partner Conservation International (CI) since early 2013. This includes establishing important links and cooperation between Peru’s Ministry of Environment (MINAM) and the Regional Government of San Martin. This initiative provides an important framework to work through social and environmental issues for REDD+ and makes San Martin a pioneer on REDD+ safeguards in Peru.

In July 2014, the REDD+ SES Initiative organized two exchange and learning workshops on Safeguard Information Systems (SIS) for government and civil society actors in Merida, Mexico: the Latin America Exchange Workshop on SIS and the seventh REDD+ SES Exchange and Learning workshop on SIS. During these events, government and civil society actors from different countries around the world shared their experience around the design and implementation of SIS. Discussions focused on the challenges, lessons learned and best practices that countries have experienced while developing the different elements needed for the SIS. 

Additionally, the Capacity Building Modules  to draft indicators to measure performance on San Martin´s safeguards were presented and well received at workshops in July. The presentation and discussion included the process of designing the materials, the challenges on developing the modules and how they were addressed. During these past months, significant progress has also been made towards officially creating a Safeguards Committee in the San Martin Region. Moving forward, work will continue in supporting capacity building workshops; materials will be disseminated; the Safeguards Committee will continue to be consolidated; and a document will be published that summarizes lessons learned from the REDD+ SES Initiative.

FCMC's support in Peru is expected to continue through to the end of 2014. A priority for this work is to support MINAM to coordinate on REDD+ issues for the upcoming 20th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, to take place in Lima in December 2014—particularly on giving inputs for discussions on the need for further guidance on how safeguards are being addressed and respected.

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