Second FCMC Regional Capacity Building Workshop in Lima, Peru
SilvaCarbon is a US program with which FCMC coordinates on several activities, including regional workshops and the development and communication of REDD+ Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) resources. Dr. Olofsson provides capacity building on a range of topics related to remote sensing, including the assessment and validation of land cover/land change maps. This workshop was part of an FCMC activity launched in Peru in January 2013 to support the development of Peru’s forest monitoring system.
The workshop, Understanding Accuracy and Area Estimation, included participants from the Regional Governments of San Martin, Loreto, Ucayali, and Madre De Dios. Other institutions represented at the workshop included: the Association for Research and Integral Development (AIDER), the Center for Conservation, Research and Management of Natural Areas (CIMA), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Peru, the Servicio de Areas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (SERNANP), the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA), and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
The workshop provided capacity building to the over 25 participants on a range of considerations and activities related to designing map accuracy assessments. The two main goals were to provide participants with: (1) a good understanding of the many components for consideration when developing a map category area estimation activity; and (2) hands-on implementation practice of map accuracy analyses.