Old Global Conservation Program Collection

Eastern African Marine Ecoregion Final Closeout Report

Feb 09, 2011 · File

The Global Conservation Program Achievements and lessons learned from 10 years of support for threats-based conservation at a landscape and seascape scale World Wildlife Fund December 4 2003 – September 30, 2009.

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Health Reference Sheet

Jul 19, 2019 · File

Intact, biologically diverse ecosystems play important roles in promoting health and fighting disease by providing goods and services including wild foods, natural medicines, and clean air and water.

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Final Report Executive Summary: Final Evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems Program

Feb 25, 2015 · File

This final evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems (SCAPES) program assesses conservation strategies used by four implementing partners to address priority threats and strengthen local capacity to conserve biodiversity.

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Final Evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems Program

Feb 05, 2016 · File

This final evaluation of the Sustainable Conservation Approaches in Priority Ecosystems (SCAPES) program assesses conservation strategies used by four implementing partners to address priority threats and strengthen local capacity to conserve biodiversity.

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Scapes Partners: A Review Of Field Based Common Ground On Adaptation

Oct 13, 2014 · File

SCAPES is USAID’s largest global conservation initiative.

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Assessment of Biodiversity Integration Efforts

Dec 14, 2020 · File

The Office of Forestry and Biodiversity (FAB) engaged Measuring Impact II to assess efforts to implement the USAID Biodiversity Policy's goal to "integrate biodiversity as an essential component of human development.

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USAID Global Waters: Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People | December 2012

Nov 23, 2013 · File

Global Waters tells the story of our water-related efforts around the globe.

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SCAPES Learning Program Assessment

May 17, 2016 · File

In March 2014, Adult Learning Specialist Meredith Ferris from the Environmental Learning, Communication and Outreach (ECO) project was asked to partner with USAID and SCAPES to conduct a SCAPES learning assessment.

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Evidence in Action, Unit 4: Building the Evidence Base

Dec 05, 2017 · File

Unit 4: Building the Evidence Base highlights ways in which evidence can be shared and applied to strengthen biodiversity programs.

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Understanding Biodiversity – Development Integration Efforts and Opportunities

Aug 22, 2017 · File

This report presents the results of a broad review to understand how other agencies and organizations have defined and integrated biodiversity with other sectors.

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Foreign Assistance Act Sections 118/119 Tropical Forest and Biodiversity Analysis Best Practices Guide

Feb 17, 2017 · File

The new FAA 118/119 Tropical Forest and Biodiversity Analysis Best Practices Guide provides practical how-to advice for USAID staff and contractors conducting the analysis.

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Food Security Reference Sheet

Jul 19, 2019 · File

Ecosystems provide goods and services that support food production—including provision of wild foods and water, pest control and pollination—and biodiversity programming can have significant positive impacts on food security.

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Forestry Action Plan

Feb 23, 2010 · File

In response to an evaluation of the effectiveness, methodology, and composition of USAID's forestry program, the Forestry Team this action plan to address challenges and opportunities.

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Biodiversity Conservation and Forestry Programs Annual Report 2010

Feb 22, 2011 · File

This report summarizes biodiversity conservation and forestry programs supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in fiscal year (FY) 2009.

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Water Team Update (December 2004)

Dec 24, 2008 · File

A brief description of Water Team achievements for the final quarter of 2004.

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USAID Amazon Vision: 2021 Report

Nov 10, 2022 · File

A healthy Amazon benefits everyone on the planet, especially those who live and work in the region.

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Global Sustainable Tourism Alliance (GSTA) Performance Evaluation Final Report

Feb 04, 2016 · File

This evaluation focused on global issues and Washington core support for the GSTA Project.

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Water and Sanitation Reference Sheet

Jul 19, 2019 · File

Natural ecosystems capture, store and purify water, allowing biodiversity programming to complement and protect water and sanitation investments.

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ST1. Global Tourism - Achieving Sustainable Goals

Jan 29, 2012 · File

This manual is from a set of nine courses on Sustainable Tourism that have been developed by George Washington University as a result of compiling the lessons and best practices from the USAID Global Sustainable Tourism Alliance (GSTA) program, and other tourism development experiences.

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