Supplemental Guide 2: Rating Direct Threats in USAID Biodiversity Programming
Biodiversity Programming Supplemental Guide 2: Rating Direct Threats in USAID Biodiversity Programming focuses on the step of threat analysis in biodiversity conservation planning. This guide supplements USAID’s Biodiversity How-To Guide 1: Developing Situation Models in USAID Biodiversity Programming by providing greater detail and additional recommendations on this important step. It supports teams as they design and manage biodiversity programs within USAID’s Program Cycle and in accordance with the Agency’s Biodiversity Policy.
Supplemental Guide 2: Rating Direct Threats in USAID Biodiversity Programming
Biodiversity Programming Supplemental Guide 2: Rating Direct Threats in USAID Biodiversity Programming focuses on the step of threat analysis in biodiversity conservation planning. This guide supplements USAID’s Biodiversity How-To Guide 1: Developing Situation Models in USAID Biodiversity Programming by providing greater detail and additional recommendations on this important step. It supports teams as they design and manage biodiversity programs within USAID’s Program Cycle and in accordance with the Agency’s Biodiversity Policy.