Presentation - Payments for Marine Ecosystem Services: Marine Conservation Agreements (audio)
Presentation by Rili Djohani, TNC Indonesia, given at the Southeast Asia Katoomba Meeting - Katoomba XVII Taking the Lead: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia, June 23-24, 2010 held in Hanoi, Vietnam. The presentation reviews payments for marine ecosystem services through marine conservation agreements.
Presentation - Payments for Marine Ecosystem Services: Marine Conservation Agreements (audio)
Rili Djohani , The Nature Conservancy - Indonesia
Publication Date: 2010
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Presentation by Rili Djohani, TNC Indonesia, given at the Southeast Asia Katoomba Meeting - Katoomba XVII Taking the Lead: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Southeast Asia, June 23-24, 2010 held in Hanoi, Vietnam. The presentation reviews payments for marine ecosystem services through marine conservation agreements.