Manual for Social Impact Assessment of Land-based Carbon Projects: Part II - Toolbox of Methods and Support Materials (Version 1.0)
Forest Trends, CCBA, FFI, and Rainforest Alliance have published Version 1.0 of a “Manual for Social Impact Assessment of Land-Based Carbon Projects: Part II - Toolbox of Methods and Support Materials” The Manual is designed to be used by carbon project proponents aiming for validation under the CCB Standards, or other multiple-benefit carbon standards. The Manual introduces the three areas of the Toolbox, Area 1 Social Impact Assessment Framework, Area 2 Data Collection and Analysis Methods and Area 3 Support Materials. The Manual is Version 1.0, since the idea is to ‘field test’ it over the coming months and, based on user experience, peer review, and other feedback, bring out Version 2.0 in early 2011.
Manual for Social Impact Assessment of Land-based Carbon Projects: Part II - Toolbox of Methods and Support Materials (Version 1.0)
Michael Richards,
Katoomba Ecosystem Services Incubator, Forest Trends,
Steve Panfil,
Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance,
Natasha Calderwood,
Fauna & Flora International,
Julie Fischer,
Fauna & Flora International
Publication Date: 2010
Forest Trends, CCBA, FFI, and Rainforest Alliance have published Version 1.0 of a “Manual for Social Impact Assessment of Land-Based Carbon Projects: Part II - Toolbox of Methods and Support Materials” The Manual is designed to be used by carbon project proponents aiming for validation under the CCB Standards, or other multiple-benefit carbon standards. The Manual introduces the three areas of the Toolbox, Area 1 Social Impact Assessment Framework, Area 2 Data Collection and Analysis Methods and Area 3 Support Materials. The Manual is Version 1.0, since the idea is to ‘field test’ it over the coming months and, based on user experience, peer review, and other feedback, bring out Version 2.0 in early 2011.