Marine and Fisheries (Test Page) Reference
Wild fisheries provide livelihoods and food security for about 3 billion people in developing countries. Sustainable management and conservation of fisheries and other marine and coastal resources support countries in their journey to self-reliance and promote national security. Effective marine conservation maintains and enhances valuable ecosystems and their natural capital, ensuring fish and healthy oceans for tomorrow as well as today.
USAID invests more than $33 million per year in about 15 countries to promote sustainable fisheries and conserve marine biodiversity. Our work focuses on strengthening resource governance and management, enhancing resilience, improving food security and inclusive development, combating illegal fishing, promoting seafood traceability, empowering women and diversifying financial strategies for achieving durable change.
Where USAID invests in fisheries, marine conservation and coastal management
Asia Programs
Blue Abadi Fund
The Blue Abadi Fund is a dedicated conservation trust fund for the Bird’s Head Seascape that empowers local communities and agencies to sustainably manage their marine resources by procuring local revenue sources and providing complimentary grants.
Supporting Nature and People – Partnership for Enduring Resources (SNAPPER)
SNAPPER aims to enhance sustainability and profitability of deep-slope capture fisheries in Indonesia through effective collaboration between companies, communities and government agencies.
Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (SEA)
SEA supports the Government of Indonesia to improve the governance of fisheries and marine resources and to conserve biological diversity.
Paani Program
Paani works to enhance Nepal’s ability to manage water resources for multiple uses and users through an integrated, whole-of-basin approach focused on climate change adaptation and the conservation of freshwater biodiversity.
Papua New Guinea
Lukautim Graun
The Lukautim Graun, or “look after the environment,” project will reduce the primary threats to marine and terrestrial biodiversity in Papua New Guinea by strengthening management of customary lands and waters in exceptional terrestrial and marine biodiversity areas.
Fish Right Program
The Fish Right Program is a partnership between the Government of the Philippines and USAID to improve marine biodiversity and the fisheries sector in three key ecological areas.
Meloy Fund
The Meloy Fund partners with USAID in the Philippines and Indonesia to support sustainable fish and seafood-related businesses and to help develop value chains that will contribute to coastal and marine biodiversity conservation goals.
Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA)
Oceans and Fisheries Partnership
The Oceans and Fisheries Partnership works to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, to promote sustainable fisheries and to conserve marine biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region.
Africa Programs
Sustainable Fisheries Management Program (SFMP)
SFMP works to rebuild marine fisheries stocks and catches through adoption of responsible fishing practices.
Hay Tao
Hay Tao's main goal is to create a supportive and enabling environment to promote resilient livelihoods for terrestrial and coastal communities and biodiversity conservation.
Mikajy, which means “taking good care of” in Malagasy, supports critical biodiversity conservation efforts in forested and coastal ecosystems and empowers local communities in these regions to locally manage their natural resources, while also providing new economic opportunities and support for natural resource tenure and property rights.
Feed the Future Dekkal Geej (Reviving the Seas): Toward Sustainable Fisheries
The Dekkal Geej activity aims to improve management of fisheries for ecological sustainability.
Latin America and the Caribbean
Caribbean Regional
Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program
The Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program aims to achieve sustained biodiversity conservation, to maintain and restore critical ecosystems and to realize tangible improvements in human and community well-being.
Dominican Republic and Haiti
Integrated Marine Ecosystems Management in Northern Hispaniola
The Integrated Marine Ecosystems Management in Northern Hispaniola project aims to reduce local threats to biodiversity in coastal and marine ecosystems along the Haitian-Dominican Republic border in Northern Hispaniola, while minimizing economic and cultural disruption for communities that depend on those ecosystems.
Central America Regional
Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project
The Regional Coastal Biodiversity Project works to conserve biodiversity in coastal-marine ecosystems through good governance and biocommerce, for the benefit of local communities.
Global Programs
Municipal Waste Recycling Program
The Municipal Waste Recycling Program focuses on identifying and scaling innovations to improve municipal waste recycling in Asian countries to reduce marine plastic pollution.
Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability (SALT)
SALT is a global alliance for knowledge exchange and action to promote legal and sustainable fisheries through improved transparency in seafood supply chains.
Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights II
Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights II is designed to improve land tenure, marine tenure, property rights and resource governance through targeted interventions or integrated activities in support of broader development objectives.
Sustainable Ocean Fund
The Sustainable Ocean Fund provides private debt investments in sustainable fisheries, supply chain improvement and marine conservation.
Targeting Natural Resource Corruption (TNRC)
TNRC aims to improve biodiversity outcomes by helping practitioners to address the threats posed by corruption to wildlife, fisheries and forests.
Completed Programs
Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh (ECOFISH-BD)
ECOFISH-BD seeks to strengthen the ability of local communities, especially women, to extract maximum benefit from coastal environments using sustainable best practices and to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.
Fisheries Integration of Society and Habitats Project (FISH)
FISH aims to achieve increased social, ecological and economic resilience of freshwater ecosystems and people who depend on them in four freshwater ecosystems.
Ecosystems Improved for Sustainable Fisheries (ECOFISH)
ECOFISH's objective was to conserve marine biodiversity by improving the management of coastal and marine resources and associated ecosystems that support the local economies of eight marine key biodiversity areas in the Philippines.
Collaborative Management for a Sustainable Fisheries Future (COMFISH)
COMFISH seeks to prevent overfishing and ensure that marine fisheries in Senegal provide a sustainable source of high-quality protein for the nation, help improve the quality of life in artisanal fishing communities and maintain the productive capacity of marine and coastal ecosystems.