USAID’s comprehensive approach to wildlife conservation and management includes efforts to combat illegal trade, reduce human–wildlife disease transmission, and foster wildlife-friendly enterprises. To address wildlife trafficking, the Agency works in priority countries that are sources of wildlife and wildlife products, transit points, and/or destinations for sellers and buyers.


Where USAID invests in wildlife conservation and combating wildlife trafficking


  • Philippines

    Sustainable Interventions for Biodiversity, Ocean, and Landscapes (SIBOL)

    The SIBOL project helps the Philippine government improve governance and sustainable management of natural resources and reduce environmental crimes. USAID will support efforts to conserve the country’s rich biodiversity while improving the livelihoods of Filipinos whose incomes depend upon these natural resources.
  • Indonesia

    Build Indonesia to Take Care of Nature for Sustainability (BIJAK)

    BIJAK is directly addressing the factors that cause deforestation in Indonesia, including market forces, financial incentives, policies, and social norms, to ultimately reduce greenhouse gas emissions and preserve Indonesia’s valuable biodiversity.
  • Vietnam

    Project Spotlight: Vietnam's Saving Species Activity

    Saving Species is USAID/Vietnam’s flagship implementation vehicle for combating wildlife trafficking. Saving Species utilizes a theory of change approach for its three objectives of demand reduction, strengthening law enforcement, and improving the legal framework for wildlife crime.


  • East Africa

    Economics of Natural Capital in East Africa

    USAID's Economics of Natural Capital in East Africa aimed to strengthen the East African Community's regional policy dialogue by improving the evidence base on transboundary natural resource management and biodiversity conservation.
  • Uganda

    Uganda Biodiversity Fund

    USAID supports the work of the Uganda Biodiversity Fund, a conservation trust fund that awards grants to support national and community-based institutions and to individuals involved in protecting and conserving Uganda’s rich biodiversity.
  • Mozambique and South Africa


    The KHETHA Program aims to halt wildlife trafficking impacts on flagship species in South Africa and Mozambique by building relationships between protected areas and communities, supporting law enforcement to stop wildlife trafficking and engaging all sectors to work together on the issue.
  • Tanzania

    Landscape Conservation in Western Tanzania (LCWT)

    The LCWT activity works to protect endangered chimpanzee populations, safeguard their habitat through effective land use planning, and empower local communities by supporting more productive and sustainable livelihoods in the Gombe-Masito-Ugalla region.

Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Ecuador

    Strengthening Natural Resource Governance in Ecuador (SNRGE)

    The SNRGE partnership helps conserve Ecuador's wildlife, fisheries, and forests through enhanced transparency and enforcement. SNRGE will identify, prioritize, and implement activities to protect Ecuador's biodiversity from threats such as illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing and wildlife trafficking.
  • Guatemala

    Guatemala Biodiversity Project

    The Guatemala Biodiversity Project strengthens environmental governance and conservation of Guatemala’s System of Protected Areas using a local systems approach that fosters biodiversity conservation awareness, stronger policy and legislative reforms, enforcement and prosecution of wildlife crimes, and local stakeholder engagement.
  • Brazil

    Partnership for the Conservation of Amazon Biodiversity (PCAB)

    PCAB is a multi-year bilateral agreement with the Government of Brazil with the Ministry of Environment, Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation, and the National Indigenous Foundation. It aims to conserve the biodiversity of the Brazilian Amazon while improving well-being and socioeconomic status of rural communities.


  • Global

    Combating Wildlife Trafficking Case Study Compilation

    In 2017, USAID held a global case study compilation to collect lessons on how to build capacity for enforcement and prosecution to combat wildlife trafficking: what has worked, what hasn’t, and everything in between. By sharing knowledge, the community can help others do more and do better.
  • Global

    Targeting Natural Resource Corruption (TNRC)

    Targeting Natural Resource Corruption (TNRC) seeks to improve biodiversity outcomes by equipping practitioners to address the threats posed by corruption to wildlife, fisheries and forests. TNRC harnesses existing knowledge, generates new evidence and supports innovative policy and practice for more effective anti-corruption programming. The project is implemented by a consortium…
  • Global

    Wildlife Trafficking Response Assessment and Priority Setting (W-TRAPS)

    Wildlife TRAPS works to strengthen the knowledge base, resolve and cooperation of governments, inter-governmental organizations, the private sector and NGOs in tackling wildlife trafficking between Africa and Asia.


  • East Africa

    Economics of Natural Capital in East Africa

    USAID's Economics of Natural Capital in East Africa aimed to strengthen the East African Community's regional policy dialogue by improving the evidence base on transboundary natural resource management and biodiversity conservation.
  • Regional Development Mission for Asia

    Wildlife Asia (Reducing Demand for Wildlife)

    The Wildlife Asia activity works with local and international partners to address wildlife trafficking in Southeast Asia and China by reducing consumer demand for wildlife parts and products, strengthening law enforcement skills, enhancing policy and legislation, and improving regional action to reduce wildlife crime.
  • Global

    Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge (WCTC)

    The Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge called on the global community to harness the power of science and technology to address four wildlife-trafficking related issues.
  • Global

    Measuring Impact II (MI2)

    Measuring Impact II (MI2) provided support for tackling USAID’s conservation challenges. MI2 built on the success of Measuring Impact (2012-2018). It was implemented by Environmental Incentives, Foundations of Success, and ICF International. Regional and bilateral missions and regional bureaus could buy into this mechanism to strengthen development outcomes.
  • Global

    Reducing Opportunities for Unlawful Transport of Endangered Species (ROUTES)

    ROUTES was an innovative and collaborative partnership that aimed to disrupt wildlife trafficking by reducing the use of legal transportation supply chains.
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