Adaptive management is an intentional approach to making decisions and adjustments in response to new information and changes in context. Adaptive management at USAID occurs throughout the design, implementation, and evaluation of USAID activities and is part of a systematic and iterative use of knowledge and learning. We support the development of tools and approaches to strengthen adaptive management in biodiversity programming (such as the use of the Conservation Standards) to consistently test our assumptions and support a culture of intentional organizational learning for stronger biodiversity conservation results.



Gorilla National Park, Uganda. Credit: Jason Houston for USAID.

Measuring Impact II

Measuring Impact II (MI2) helped tackle conservation challenges by supporting USAID thought leaders, Mission staff, and Washington bureaus to apply evidence-based adaptive management across the biodiversity portfolio. MI2 offered assistance for best practices in adaptive management and the use and generation of evidence and learning to enhance biodiversity conservation. MI2 also helped better integrate conservation with other development sectors such as health, food security, democracy and governance, and global climate change.


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